The Ultimate Hunter of Prehistoric Beasts – Smilodon

Smilodon Model
Lifelike Smilodon Model | DAMTOYS

Throughout the long history of the Earth, there was once a fearsome beast that ruled the land. With its great strength, sharp teeth and unparalleled hunting skills, it was known as the ultimate hunter of the ancient world. The overlord is saber-toothed Tiger.

The saber-toothed Tiger (Smilodon) was a large carnivorous mammal that lived in the late Pleistocene Epoch. It gets its name from its distinctive feature of large, sharp maxillary canine teeth that stick out of its mouth like swords. This is not only a unique sign for the saber-tooth, but also a key weapon for its successful hunting.

The body of Smilodon is large and strong, up to 3 meters long, and can weigh more than 400 kilograms. Their muscles are well developed, their limbs are strong, and their canine teeth are more than 20 centimeters long. These traits made the saber-toothed tiger a fearsome predator. The saber-toothed tiger’s mouth opened at a larger angle than other beasts, allowing it to open a large aperture and grab its prey’s throat, delivering a fatal blow instantly.

Hunting skills of saber-toothed Tiger

Saber Toothed Animal
Saber Toothed Animal

Although the Smilodon’s hunting skills are formidable, they are not lonely hunters. Saber-toothed tigers usually live in small groups and hunt in groups. They usually choose relatively large prey, such as giant woolly mammoths and giant ponies, and even giant hellbirds. Teams of Smilodon work closely together to surround their prey with precise tactics and then use their sharp teeth to deliver a fatal blow. This collective & cooperative approach to hunting demonstrates the Smilodon’s unmatched ability as a top predator.


When it spots its prey, it follows quietly. Once the prey appears with its back to it, it will take it by surprise and run, biting the prey’s neck.

Or ambush prey near the grass and lake. Attack while the prey is drinking. Quietly came behind the prey, and made a sudden attack.

Run after prey

Saber-toothed tigers will take the initiative to choose some animals to chase, which their running speed and explosive power are not too strong. Such as antelopes and cattle, Smilodon sneak up to a certain distance, will launch a pursuit of them, grab them and bite their arteries to bleed to death.

However, although Smilodon have occupied the top of the chain of predators for a long time in their history, they eventually faced the challenge of survival. As the climate changed and the environment evolved, their prey gradually decreased and they were unable to provide enough food resources for them. Unfortunately, saber-toothed cats became extinct about 11,000 years ago, making them one of the most well-known extinct species on Earth.

Both for its unique appearance and its unparalleled hunting ability, the Smilodon is one of the most remarkable creatures in Earth’s history.

Despite disappearing from the Earth, its legendary story will continue to inspire curiosity and imagination, keeping us in perpetual awe of this ancient beast.

How did we reconstruct this ancient beast?

Full Size Animatronic Smilodon
Full Size Animatronic Smilodon
Welding Frames – Fitters use seamless steel to weld the animal’s frame and attach the driven-motors.
Mechanical Frames
Manufactured Mechanical Frames

Wrapping Sponge – Paperhangers wrap the steel frames with sponges, and artists engrave animal types.
Sculpted Outline on Sponge
Sculpted Outline on Sponge

Texture Working – Workers use soldering irons to draw vivid skin lines on the shaped sponge.
Dinosaur Texture Work
Creating Texture Work

Silicone Skin Grafting – Workers glue over three players of silicone on the sponge textured.
Silicone Skin Works for Mammoth
Silicone Skin Works

Color Painting – Colorists use a combination of acrylic paint, gasoline and silicone to spray paint vivid skin.
Dyeing Animatronic Skin
Dyeing Skin

Final Testing – Four hours after the painting, the power engineer uses the CPU control box to test the dynamics.
Full Size Animatronic Smilodon
Decorated Animatronic Smilodon

Finished Animatronic Smilodon Work – Video Display:


Surely, we bring “real life” to the Prehistoric Beast! Would you like this lifelike animatronic animal!

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