8 Measures / Displays to Set Up Popular Dino Museum

Popular Dino Museum
Popular Dino Museum

On the occasion of 2024, many visitors from different countries & places and have come to the Zigong Dinosaur Museum to witness “lifelike dinosaurs”, “huge and mysterious dinosaur fossils” and “the site of dinosaur remains formed hundreds of millions of years ago”. Although these three wonders are great, visitors can quickly complete the tour in about an hour, greatly reducing the potential for more profitable revenue of the museum.

So what kind of activities should be launched or what kind of interactive equipment should be placed in the museum in order to better let visitors spend more time and enjoy it, and are willing to consume more cultural and creative products in the museum? We are here to share a series of useful measures based on years of experience in dealing with museums.

Have a content narrator

Dinosaur Museum Narrator
Dinosaur Museum Narrator

Training qualified content guides can make a museum grow and help to extend its popularity. He or she mainly explains the history of the museum’s construction, why it was built, the interesting story of each exhibit, the importance of scientific exploration of the prehistoric world, the rise and fall of the dinosaur dynasty, what kind of environment Zigong was hundreds of millions of years ago, and so on. After entering the museum, visitors can get these anecdotes along the way, and can experience an unforgettable visit.

Souvenir shops should be set up

Dinosaur Souvenirs Store
Dinosaur Souvenirs Store

An excellent museum can not only spread scientific or historical and cultural knowledge, but also create a cultural and creative economy through its own characteristics. For example, the Dinosaur Museum can sell “dinosaur themed cultural and creative products” in souvenir shops, including miniature dinosaur skeleton exhibits, dinosaur images or museum images carved in crystal, dinosaur-style refrigerator stickers, dinosaur-style mugs, dinosaur-style hoodies or T-shirts. These are many museums after years of testing, can effectively sell the most types of products.

To set up a postal center (or shop)

Dino Postal Station
Dino Postal Station

This center (shop) can not only solve the problem of Courier delivery for tourists (who have purchased many souvenirs or large items), but also launch “rare dinosaur themed commemorative stamps” or “commemorative albums/postcards” to meet the needs of more niche groups. A postal store can also add a lot of revenue to the museum.

Interactive dinosaur riding equipments should be placed

Entertainment Dinosaur Rides
Entertainment Dinosaur Rides

There is no doubt that this interactive dinosaur riding equipments are the most appealing to the child group. In the heart of every child (especially a boy) is a desire to conquer primitive creatures or an impulse to venture into primitive lands. Placing interactive dinosaur rides along the museum tour route in advance can greatly satisfy the wishes of children. And active adults can also have the opportunity to experience the fun of “riding dinosaurs”.

An interactive game called “Search for dinosaur tracks” should be set up

Dino Track Search Game
Dino Track Search Game

Design several points in the museum for visitors to participate in the “search for dinosaur tracks” knowledge dissemination, or fill in the correct answer sheet. First of all, visitors participating in the game are given answer cards, so that visitors can find the correct exhibits or places in the museum according to the tips of the answer card, and fill the knowledge into the answer card. Before visitors leave the museum, pick up a commemorative badge at the souvenir shop or visitor center with the correct answer sheet. This interactive and rewarding game is especially suitable for children of the right age.

Set up a mini excavation site

Dinosaur Relic
Dinosaur Relic / Excavation Site

Set up several mini excavation sites in open areas outside the museum. There are some small dinosaur skeleton replicas buried inside, let the children participate in the game about excavation site to find the skeleton, once the children find the complete skeleton and piece together, they can also receive a badge souvenir. Of course, this mining game can be set up for paid participation.

Giant dinosaur leg bone landscape

Leg Bone landscape
Leg Bone landscape

In the museum, the leg bones of the largest known dinosaurs can be displayed in a prominent place (in the center of the hall or near the visitor center). Of course, it’s a fiberglass replica of a leg bone. At present, the leg bones of “Apatosaurus (Brontosaurus)” or “Argentinosaurus” can be selected as landscape exhibits, so that visitors to the museum can take photos with this leg bone, which absolutely makes people sigh how huge these giant beasts were at that time! One leg bone could be as tall as a two-story building.

Set up a dinosaur hatching center

Hatching Dinosaur Egg
Hatching Dinosaur Egg

An artificial dinosaur hatching egg can be created in the exhibition hall of the museum. Inside, baby dinosaurs can break out of their shells and interact with the live audience! The baby dinosaur in the eggshell can call and move, which is very cute. When tourists indulge in the shock of large monsters, they will bend down to take photos with these well-behaved little dinosaurs.

Built Popular Dinosaur Museum Event – Video Display:


These are some of the best ways to get dinosaur Museum visitors to stay longer. Once visitors stay in the museum for a longer period of time, it is positive for the revenue and popularity of the museum. Of course, if the museum’s budget is more adequate, it can also consider a more huge reduction of animatronic dinosaur models, large volcanoes that can emit smoke, geological landforms of hundreds of millions of years ago, etc., which can be used as a display to attract visitors.

If you also want to run a “Dinosaur Museum”, please refer to the above 8 measures or suggestions that have been successful, to create a wonderful visit.

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