10 The Most Animatronic Dinosaur Attractions in 2023

Dinosaurs emerged 200 million years ago during the Mesozoic era and were the world’s largest reptiles, dominating the earth for more than 100 million years. Their mysterious and sudden extinction 65 million years ago has left us with a wealth of enigmatic fossils. Its descendants became today’s turtles, crocodiles, snakes, and lizards, and one branch of the species evolved into today’s mammals all over the world.

We have been making dinosaur models for more than a decade. The giant dinosaurs are specially restored and then placed in the site where the customers need to display them. There is no doubt that these large dinosaur models can attract the attention of tourists. We’ve come up with 10 of the most popular animatronic dinosaur attractions in 2023 from experience.

Animatronic Tyrannosaurus Rex

Tyrannosaurus Rex Model
15m long Tyrannosaurus Rex Model

Tyrannosaurus Rex has always been the most popular celebrity dinosaur among tourists. Every time visitors hear the stunning roar of the T-Rex in the distance, their bodies are inexplicably excited. They will speed up and move in the direction of the roar, in order to meet the most powerful carnivorous overlords the Earth has ever known. Therefore, even in 2023, we will still produce more than 50 animatronic Tyrannosaurus Rex models of different sizes for customers. These Tyrannosaurus Rex models are all very good to give theme parks, shopping malls, children’s parks, playgrounds and other places very good attraction.

Living at the end of the Cretaceous period, it was the largest carnivorous dinosaur and the most famous dinosaur. It is the latest, largest and most powerful of the carnivorous dinosaurs, and the most powerful carnivore in the world from prehistoric times to the present. Its body length is 12-15 meters, the average height of the hip is about 4m, the highest head height is nearly 6m, the average weight is 9 tons, the heaviest can reach 15 tons. The bite force is 900,000N-120,000N, and the maximum end of the mouth can reach about 200,000N.

Animatronic VelociRaptor

Velociraptor Model
Velociraptor Model

The emergence of the raptors really took a lot of the flow away from the Tyrannosaurus Rex. This was thanks to the release of the 2015 movie Jurassic World. The raptors in it become Owen’s good companions and intelligent domesticated animals. Could help humans defeat the Indominus Rex. In the Jurassic Park 1993, the Raptor was an evil monster who hunted down humans. We also manufactured a lot of animatronic Raptor models in 2023. Many of them were placed in the jungle or near the tyrannosaurus Rex at the exhibition site, all disguised as expert hunters or carrion thieves.

The real term “Velociraptor” refers to a medium-sized dromaeosaurid. In size, the Raptor in the movie is also closer to Deinonychus. Most Deinonychus individuals were about 3 meters long and weighed about 60 kilograms, about the size of a normal adult man. Some larger individuals can reach 3.5 meters long and weigh 80 to 90 kilograms. Some fragments of Deinonychus skulls suggest that dromaeosaurs may indeed have grown to more than four metres. Including bite marks on the Tendontosaurus fossil, Deinonychus measured a bite force of 8,000N (204 kilograms).

Animatronic Triceratops

Animatronic Triceratops
Animatronic Triceratops

Triceratops stands like a fortress in the dinosaur world. Its heavy and strong body is always used as a transport or riding device in the movies. When it appears, its fatalistic rival, Tyrannosaurus Rex, often accompanies it. They would engage in a fateful duel to see whether the most powerful meat-eating dinosaur would win or whether the hulking herbivore’s horn would Pierce the Tyrannosaurus Rex’s body. 7-10 meters long animatronic Triceratops models belong to the most popular attraction for the tourists of the entertainment places.

Triceratops was a very famous dinosaur, famous for its large head shield and three big horns. Triceratops was large, with an average length of 7 meters and weight of 6 tons, while the largest specimen (UCMP 128561, a broken nose bone only) was estimated to be 8.5 meters long and weigh nearly 11 tons. All the reconstructions of Triceratops show them running like rhinos toward their enemies, and then using the big horn on their head to kill predators, which Triceratops can’t do. The scientists’ impact experiments found that the Triceratops’ skull was not strong enough to support a sprint.

Animatronic Dilophosaurus

Animatronic Dilophosaurus
Animatronic Dilophosaurus

Remember that scary scene with the Dilophosaurus in Jurassic Park? One Dilophosaurus lures the driver’s attention through action, and another Dilophosaurus suddenly overthrows the driver from behind. Afterwards, a group of Dilophosaurus rushed into the car to enjoy this wonderful meal together. We’ve also customized dozens of these delusively animatronic dinosaur models. Their presence also took traffic away from many Raptor models.

It is a dinosaur that lived in the early Jurassic period, with a body length of about 6-7 meters and a slender body. They have two irregularly shaped crowns on their heads that resemble semi-oval or tomahawk shapes, hence their name. In the movie Jurassic Park, there was a venomous dinosaur, which in the movie had retractile wrinkles on its neck, similar to the pleated parasaur, and was able to spray blinding venom, blinding and paralyzing its prey.

Animatronic Stegosaurus

Animatronic Stegosaurus
Animatronic Stegosaurus

This dinosaur with swords on its back has always been famous. They are the hedgehogs of the dinosaur world, and no meat-eating dinosaur dares to mess with them. As soon as the animatronic Stegosaurus models come into view, children want to feel the swords on their backs to gain courage (a habit they don’t know when to start). In the movies, even predators that are larger than they are, usually look at them and leave because they are too afraid to bite them.

Stegosaurus was distributed in China, the United States, and the United Kingdom, and lived from the middle and late Jurassic to the early Cretaceous period. They are phytophagous. Stegosaurus has four sharp spikes on its tail to keep its enemies at bay. When a ferocious carnivorous dinosaur attacked, the stegosaurus would turn around and turn the bone plate toward the enemy to scare them off. If the opponent still does not give up the attack, the stegosaurus will also wave its tail, and use its tail spikes to beat the enemy.

Animatronic Brachiosaurus

Animatronic Brachiosaurus
Animatronic Brachiosaurus

Brachiosaurus is arguably the most well-known long-necked dinosaur. It has two famous movie scenes. The first one is at the beginning of the Jurassic Park movie, when the Doctor takes the main characters to drive to a prairie, they see the Brachiosaurus stretching its neck and chewing the leaves, which gives the audience and the main characters a great shock. The second is at the end of the Jurassic World movie, when a group of Brachiosaurs are buried in a collapsed island. The scene is so shocking that it makes the audience and the protagonist feel sad. We usually make animatronic Brachiosaurus models that are more than 10 meters long.

Brachiosaurus lived during the Jurassic period and belonged to the sauropod group. Sauropod dinosaurs are mostly tall and strong large, often have a body length of ten or twenty meters, dozens of tons of weight. Brachiosaurus is huge, with a length of 26 meters, a height of 12 to 16 meters, and a weight of about 30 tons, which is the highest dinosaur with a complete skeleton unearthed at present, and is also one of the largest and heaviest dinosaurs that have appeared on the earth.

Animatronic Allosaurus

Animatronic Allosaurus
Animatronic Allosaurus

Allosaurus has always been very popular in North America. It can be said that North America was the home of Allosaurus in prehistoric times. At that time, there were over 100 million Allosaurus living. Large Allosaurus models more than 10 meters long are frequently displayed in theme parks, museums, shopping malls, children’s parks, and children’s centers in North America. We also produced dozens of animatronic Allosaurus models in 2023, which were ordered primarily by customers from North America.

Allosaurus was one of the most famous large carnivorous dinosaurs, occupying the top of the food chain in the Late Jurassic terrestrial ecosystem. They were also the most abundant and widespread predators found in the Late Jurassic. Adult Allosaurus grew up to 9 meters in length, with a few individuals thought to have reached 12 meters. Although not as massive as Tyrannosaurus Rex, Allosaurus was more proportionally proportioned and had more developed forelimbs, which made it more muscular.

Animatronic Pterosaur

Animatronic Pterosaur
Animatronic Pterosaur

Children are particularly mystified by creatures that can fly. Especially large ancient flying creatures like Pterosaurs. As soon as these strange birds appear over the heads of the crowd, the children will look at them attentively, and let out a sound of surprise. We’ve made over 30 animatronic Pterosaurs. They were placed at theme parks, playgrounds, funny zones, museums, educational halls… We even made Pterosaur rides that kids could interact with.

Pterosaurs are an extinct group of flying reptiles and vertebrates. Pterosaur fossils have been found in Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, Hebei, Gansu, Sichuan, Shandong, Zhejiang and other parts of China, and have been found on all continents, including Antarctica. Pterosaurs lived from the late Triassic to the late Cretaceous, almost spanning the entire Mesozoic era. Pterosaurs have large brains, good visual nervous system, developed vision, circling over the sea every day, living in the sea, lake, some to eat fish and shrimp, and some to eat insects or fruits.

Animatronic Ankylosaurus

Animatronic Ankylosaurus
Animatronic Ankylosaurus

Ankylosaurus often appears in various dinosaur-themed movies as a charging riding device. Its heavy armor, powerful body, and unstoppable impact make people very fascinated by the life of Ankylosaurus. And the first thing kids do when they see an ankylosaurus is want to ride it and touch its armor. As if by touching its armor, people could gain the power to protect themselves. During time, we have manufactured a dozen Animatronic Ankylosaurus models and riding Ankylosaurus equipments.

Ankylosaurus lived in the late Cretaceous period. Its bones, studded plates and hammer-like tail provide protection, and its bones, excavated in Montana, belong to the last dinosaur group to go extinct. An Ankylosaurus with a bony face shell might have used it to hide from predators, but wearing this armor, especially the helmet, would have been extremely hot. To keep cool, Ankylosaurs evolved complex, zigzag nasal passages with blood vessels that help control heat changes, new research suggests.

Animatronic Styracosaurus

Animatronic Styracosaurus
Animatronic Styracosaurus

The Styracosaurus species is a particular model that customers in Europe like to order. It was similar in type to Triceratops, except for the obvious difference in the head. It’s a herbivorous dinosaur, but it’s grumpy and aggressive. Studies have shown that Styracosaurus often fight with mates and food, with the winner getting food and mating rights. In 2023, we sold more than a dozen animatronic Styracosaurus models to Europe and America.

Styracosaurus is a type of ceratosaurian dinosaur that lived in the late Cretaceous period (about 75 million years ago) and was widely distributed in North America. It was about 5.5 meters long and was a typical herbivorous dinosaur. Styracosaurus had a stout body with short, stubby limbs, suggesting that it probably lived in forests or undergrowth, moving through dense vegetation. Its teeth are small and chimeric and are used for grinding leaves and other plants.

These are the top 10 lifelike dinosaur attractions we sold in 2023. Potential customers are welcome to contact us for more details.

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