Why do the 10 Dinosaur Costumes Sell More

Feathered Dromaeosaurus Raptor Costume
Dromaeosaurus Raptor Costume

We have been making animatronic dinosaur costumes for more than 10 years. During this period, our dinosaur protagonists are basically these 10 categories (made dinosaur costume according to the 10 dinosaur types), they are Tyrannosaurus rex, Velociraptor, Dilophosaurus, Spinosaurus, Dromaeosaurus, Triceratops, Parasaurolophus, Pachycephalosaurus, Brachiosaurus and Allosaurus. Here’s the list in descending order of sales volume. These popular dinosaur suits have accompanied our customers through memorable Jurassic-themed events after another, and have gained high popularity.

Why these more ten years, or follow these ten dinosaur species as the type of prop costume production? The reason is that after so many years, the above several dinosaur types presented in the movies / films have been deeply rooted in people’s hearts. Although there are excellent documentaries such as “Walking with Dinosaurs” and “Planet Dinosaur” in the film years, they show more styles of dinosaurs (Baryonyx, Suchomimus, Styracosaurus, Iguanodon, etc.). However, the popularity among the public is still difficult to match the above 10 groups of dinosaurs. And from the moment of their own dinosaur themed movies to the present, film directors are almost still based on the above 10 types of dinosaurs as prototypes, so as to create more widespread movies and reach into the hearts of dinosaur fans.

Here we list the animatronic dinosaur suits, are made from these 10 types of prototypes, and explain why they are popular.

Tyrannosaurus Rex Costume

Dinosaur Plays Football
T-Rex Costume Plays Football

Tyrannosaurus Rex is the most well-known dinosaur species in our many books and productions without a doubt. No matter what type our dinosaur products are derived into, Tyrannosaurus Rex can be said to be a classic forever, of course, it will certainly be the best sales. The sales volume of the animatronic Tyrannosaurus Rex suit is far more than that of other dinosaur clothing categories, and the sales volume is also constantly increasing.

It is a merciless killer, a killing king who walks on the land, and before it all beings are ants. No one dared challenge its position. It’s the king of dinosaurs – Tyrannosaurus Rex. It has a large size, ranging from 11 to 13 meters in length and weighing more than 6 tons. The largest animal on land today is the African savanna elephant, a male with an average shoulder height of 3.2 meters and a weight of 6 tons, much smaller than Tyrannosaurus Rex. With a bite force of up to four tons, it has sharp and sharp teeth, each of which can reach 20 centimeters in length, and can easily pierce the hard bones of prey.

VelociRaptor Costume

VelociRaptor Costume
VelociRaptor Costume

If you want to compare the sales of T-Rex, the Velociraptor is definitely the next main force. The popularity of the raptor can be said to have risen from the 1993 Jurassic Park, which is the childhood shadow of many post-80s and post-90s. Remember when the murderous raptors came into the kitchen looking for hidden children? Remember when they hunted one adult soldier after another in the tall grass? Remember when they tore up a cow and turned it into food? It’s creepy to think of the image of a raptor.

Raptor has a natural advantage as prop costume! First of all, its claws are relatively big and sharp, once the costume is worn by actors, it can instantly bring “fear” to the audience; It also has a slender head, so that the performers inside can control the head movement with relative ease (because the weight is relatively light); And its sharp serrated teeth give a chilling impression. As a result, animatronic Velociraptor suits also sold well.

Dilophosaurus Costume

Real Dilophosaurus Costume
Real Dilophosaurus Costume

Of all the dinosaurs that spewed saliva or venom, the Dilophosaurus is definitely the first one that comes to mind. As a prop costume, it also has the third sales of good results. Once people put on the Dilophosaurus suit, they can control the function of “mouth spitting water” through the buttons inside.

The Dilophosaurus became famous in 1993 when Jurassic Park was released. Remember the shadow it cast on our childhood? It quietly approached humans, and while humans were watching it, it suddenly spewed venom from its mouth, blinding the eyes of humans, and then several Dilophosaurus rushed to pounced on humans as food and ate them. When I saw this scene as a child, I was so scared that I couldn’t sleep at night.

Spinosaurus Costume

Spinosaurus Costume
Full Size Spinosaurus Costume

Spinosaurus suits sold slightly less than Dilophosaurus suits, but Spinosaurus was second only to Tyrannosaurus Rex in the number of stage appearances. Similarly, Spinosaurus’s popularity with the general public comes entirely from Jurassic Park. Remember the fight of the century with the T-Rex after it showed up? In the end, it bites the neck of Tyrannosaurus Rex by surprise, and the audience is amazed at its fighting power. In fact, Spinosaurus and Tyrannosaurus Rex lived in different times and regions, and they could not have fought each other in history.

The Spinosaurus costume’s more prominent features are its crocodile-like head, sharp claws and sail-like thing on its back. Once the actor wears it, it can instantly attract the audience’s attention, and its form is really rich (compared to Tyrannosaurus Rex and Velociraptor). Spinosaurus is also known as a “fisherman” who lived by catching fish. It’s one of the most famous land dinosaurs that could hunt in water.

Dromaeosaurus Costume (Another style Raptor)

Feathered Dromaeosaurus Raptor Costume
Dromaeosaurus Raptor Costume

Dromaeosaurus is also a raptor, but it appears in front of people with the image of feathers on the body, and the body features are very distinctive. This feathered Dromaeosaurus suit is often used in some educational interactive themed activities, with the image of Dromaeosaurus and interactive fun to spread biological knowledge to people.

Dromaeosaurs became famous because of the large number of small dinosaurs with feathered bodies that appeared in natural history museums in North America and Europe, which created a childhood image of dinosaurs for children. Of course, the release of Jurassic World made the hairy raptor even more famous.

Triceratops Costume

Realistic Triceratops Costume
Realistic Triceratops Costume

The Triceratops suit is actually far more famous than the Dilophosaurus, Spinosaurus and Dromaeosaurus. But in terms of sales of dinosaur costumes, it only ranks sixth. The reason is that it is a four-legged dinosaur, and to control the four-legged dinosaur suit, two actors must work together at the same time. This limited the sale of Triceratops costumes and prevented individual actors from buying them to perform.

Triceratops could be the most well-known herbivorous four-legged dinosaur, whether in the movies or all kinds of dinosaur animations, this role is absolutely indispensable. It is harmless to humans and has a large body, which makes people want to be a dinosaur knight when they see it. Once the two people operating Triceratops suit came to the crowd, there is no doubt that it is a heavy popularity bomb.

Parasaurolophus Costume

Lifelike Parasaurolophus Suit
Custom Lifelike Parasaurolophus Suit

Parasaurolophus suits are usually additional orders after Tyrannosaurus Rex and Velociraptor suits have ordered, and the number of sales is also less than the Dilophosaurus costumes. These are all biped dinosaur suits. Parasaurolophus is one of only two bipedal, herbivorous dinosaur style costumes that sell like hot sellers. It is famous because of major films, documentaries and museum displays. Especially in movies, it often appears as a supporting character. From “Jurassic Park” in 1993 to “Jurassic World” in 2015, they all appeared as supporting characters, and the role was not too much.

Actors put on a Parasaurolophus costume and interact with the audience, which can bring a lovely feeling. A grass-eating Parasaurolophus basically doesn’t exude a sense of oppression, but rather a sense of cuteness and likability. Once the Parasaurolophus costume came to the place where the children gathered, the children must have gathered around it to watch and to pet it.

Pachycephalosaurus Costume (Stygimoloch Costume)

One Pachycephalosaurus Costume
Pachycephalosaurus Costume

Pachycephalosaurus species were also grass-eating dinosaurs, but they looked a little scary in appearance. Its spines and hemisphere-like skull made it look more ferocious than a carnivorous dinosaur. Pachycephalosaurus is famous for its aggressive and foolish behavior in movies and television. Of course, Pachycephalosaurus fossils are also common in museums across Europe and North America, where children learn about the dinosaur from an early age.

Remember that funny scene with the Pachycephalosaur / Stygimoloch in 2018’s Jurassic World 2? A juvenile Pachycephalosaur gets lost and rambles around the prison where it is being held, knocking people and things upside down and inadvertently saving Owen’s life. Generally, customers will order 2 Pachycephalosaurus costumes as a “dinosaur fight” themed theatre.

Brachiosaurus Costume

Brachiosaurus Costume
Interactive Brachiosaurus Costume

When it comes to four-legged long-necked dinosaurs, Brachiosaurus is certainly one of the most well-known species. Its popularity also began in 1993 (with the release of Jurassic Park). Do you remember its famous appearance? The Doctor leads the protagonists to the savannah where Brachiosaurus live, standing tall and craning their necks to slowly chew leaves. The protagonists are stunned that the Jurassic era Brachiosaurus has indeed returned to Earth.

Since that scene, Brachiosaurus has captured the hearts and minds of audiences around the world. In fact, Brachiosaurus is as famous as Triceratops, but because it is a four-legged dinosaur costume (the number of performers also has to be 2 people), sales are limited.

Allosaurus Costume

Allosaurus Costume
Custom Allosaurus Costume

Allosaurus is a relatively well-known dinosaur species in Europe and the Americas. It is mainly famous in various museums and documentaries. For veteran dinosaur fans, it’s a big name. But to a global audience, it is far less famous than the dinosaurs that have appeared in movies and television, such as Tyrannosaurus Rex, Velociraptor, Dilophosaurus, Parasaurolophus and Pachycephalosaur.

Usually, customers who buy Allosaurus suits do so for a reason. For example, the museum’s biggest name is Allosaurus, and they need the performance features of Allosaurus costumes to complement the museum’s interactive performances during the holidays. When children see Allosaurus, they often confuse it with Raptors and Tyrannosaurus Rex.

If you want more details of above realistic dinosaur costumes, please contact us!

Realistic Animatronic Dinosaur Costumes – Video Display:


  1. May 19, 2024 at 5:24 pm



    Fantastic dinosaur suits! What price is?

    1. May 20, 2024 at 4:20 am



      Hello Larry
      The prices of dinosaur costumes have sent to your mailbox. Please check it.

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