Why Can’t Modern Creatures Reach Dinosaur Weight

Megafauna Trex Model

Dinosaurs are some of the most fascinating prehistoric creatures on Earth, and one of the most impressive things about them is their weight and size. Many people know that the largest dinosaurs weighed nearly 100 tons, and only a few of the various modern animals come close to that number. So why aren’t there such giants among modern animals? This may seem like a strange question, but it actually describes a much bigger problem: the evolution of biological size and ecosystems.

Decorated Tyrannosaurus Rex Fossil Exhibits

Giants of dinosaur period:

One of the characteristics of the ecosystem at the time of the dinosaurs was the openness of the niche. This means that there is more room in the ecosystem for more biological species, as well as larger animals. The oxygen content of this era was also higher than that of modern times, which provided more energy for organisms and was also conducive to the growth of biological size. As a result, the ecosystem of the dinosaur age was populated by giants such as Apatosaurus, Brutasaurus and Titanosaurus, which were staggering in size and weight. The largest dinosaur was Argentinosaurus, which was 30 meters long and weighed 100 tons.

Large Tyrannosaurus Rex Model

Modern animal ecosystems:

Even though modern animals are much smaller on average than they were in the dinosaur era, they play an important role in their ecosystems. Modern animals depend on each other, and niches in ecosystems are relatively stable. In modern ecosystems, it is difficult to have more resources devoted to supporting a larger organism. In addition, the amount of oxygen in the modern atmosphere is much lower than it was during the dinosaur era, which also limits the size and weight of modern creatures.

In reality, however, there are still large animals in modern ecosystems. For example, African elephants can weigh up to 7 tons, while giant antlers and bison can weigh more than 1,000 kilograms. In addition, there are some unique ecosystems, such as the giant octopus in Antarctica, that also gave birth to megafauna.

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The importance of evolution:

Although modern animals are generally smaller than they were at the time of the dinosaurs, their place and influence in ecosystems are just as important. Moreover, the evolution of organisms is a continuous process. For example, the average body size of humans has also decreased over the past few million years. This is due to changes in the human ecosystem and lifestyle, resulting in a change in the ecological niche of humans as a species. Similarly, the size and ecological niche of modern animals are likely to evolve similarly over the next few hundred years.

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In terms of size and weight, the world of the dinosaurs was very different from the modern world. However, this does not mean that the modern world lacks the possibility of megafauna and biological size. On the contrary, changes in biological bodies and ecosystems are an ongoing process, and there is still much we can explore and discover.

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In-depth discussion:

Some scientists believe that important ecological and terrestrial changes, such as climatic and geographical changes, have had a large impact on the evolution of body size. For example, in a warming climate, animals will get smaller because they won’t be able to adapt to higher temperatures. Conversely, animals may increase in size if their ecosystems become more stable or easier to provide large amounts of food and energy. Therefore, in many cases, the reason for the emergence of giant animals during the age of dinosaurs was not simply due to the existence of open ecological niches or high oxygen levels.

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A related question is, why are modern mammals so much smaller on average than reptiles at the time of the dinosaurs? One important answer is the influence of evolution. Mammals, for example, were already dominated by reptiles at the time of the dinosaurs, before they began to evolve. When the dinosaurs disappeared, mammals began to evolve to adapt to new ecosystems and new niches. This is one reason why the size and ecological niche of mammals and dinosaurs differ so much.

In addition, modern biology is heavily dependent on technology and human intervention, which also affects the size of animals to some extent. For example, the artificial fertilizers, livestock feed and grassland maintenance provided in modern agricultural and livestock practices can lead to modern livestock animals becoming large animals. These phenomena show that human activity is also a clear example of body type variation.

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Throughout the history of the world and the evolution of biological forms, many factors have had an impact on ecology and the environment. However, the variation of biological size is bound to be limited by environmental factors. Answering the question of why there are no very large animals in the modern world, such as Argentinosaurus, which can reach 100 tons, is indeed very complex and involves many key factors. While we can’t expect 100-ton animals to exist on modern Earth, evolution has the potential to surprise us with new sizes and forms just waiting to be explored.

Questions for us:

1. Can you build megafauna dinosaur model such as Argentinosaurus, Apatosaurus, Tyrannosaurus Rex…?

2. How can dinosaur model moves as eyes blinking, mouth roaring, head nodding…

3. Why you want to build large dinosaur?

4. What materials are you use?

5. Why do you know much dinosaur knowledge?

Answer for our fans:

1. We have be specialized in manufacturing animatronic dinosaur model over 13 years. Once, built 45 meters long megafauna dinosaur model (Brachiosaurus style). Over 50 large dinosaurs (20-30 meters long body) were made by us. So, we have much manufactured experiences to achieve.

2. We have professional mechanical engineering team to make inside driven-mechanical frames (engines + cables + gear boxes).

3. Base on needs from clients, large dinosaurs become surprised and fantastic decorations at theme park, kids playground, family center, fun zone, amusement park, business mall…

4. Open link to see our raw materials – https://youtu.be/zMwfunCfJ5I

5. I have worked over 13 years in animatronic dinosaur industry, so accumulate lots of related knowledge, scientific content, museum files… Next to real paleontologist.

Our Megafauna Dinosaur Model Video (Animatronic Brachiosaurus):

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