What Happens When Dinosaurs Come Back

Tourism Animatronic Dinosaurs

Dinosaurs are one of the extinct species on Earth, but people’s love and curiosity about them has been around since the movie Jurassic Park was released. If dinosaurs did come back, what would be the effects?

First of all, the resurrection of dinosaurs is unlikely to be a simple matter. Dinosaur DNA no longer exists, so scientists need to get it from fossils and then clone it. But even if dinosaurs were successfully cloned, it would be impossible to make them straight into human pets like in the movie. Dinosaurs were very different from modern animals, and humans didn’t know enough about them to predict the dangers they might pose.

Secondly, the resurrection of dinosaurs will have an impact on the ecosystem. Dinosaurs lived on Earth for 160 million years and had a huge impact on ecosystems. The appearance of dinosaurs changed the shape and growth rate of plants and the way other animals lived. If dinosaurs were brought back, they would have an impact on the ecosystem again, and the impact could be unpredictable.

Finally, the return of dinosaurs will also have an impact on humans. The emergence of dinosaurs is likely to lead to the disorder of ecosystem, which will have an impact on the survival and development of human beings. In addition, the presence of dinosaurs may have had an impact on tourism, attracting more tourists to come and see them.

In short, if dinosaurs were to come back, it would have an impact on ecosystems and humans that could be unpredictable. Scientists and governments need to fully study and consider this to ensure that this resurrection will not have a negative impact on our survival and development.

Trex Clothing Prop
Trex Alive

Animatronic Dinosaur Resurrects Tourism (Good Case):

On July 24th this year, the cultural and tourism departments of Zigong and Chuxiong, Yunnan, two “towns of Dinosaurs”, signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement, established a cultural tourism cooperation mechanism, integrated their respective cultural tourism resources, and actively promoted the cultural tourism industry informatization project.

Guide and encourage large cultural tourism enterprises, cultural tourism management companies and well-known cultural tourism brands of both sides to operate, chain operate and export their brands in each other’s regions, realize joint promotion of scenic spots, and jointly promote the development of dinosaur cultural tourism industry.

Dinosaur Knight of Time and Space, a large-scale 3D cartoon series jointly created by Zigong City Cultural Tourism Investment and Kung Fu Animation, takes dinosaurs as the core and tells science fiction adventure stories in different time and space of Zigong in the past, future and present. It integrates the local culture, architecture, food, folk customs, etc., deeply explores the IP value, and comprehensively introduces Zigong culture to the audience through cartoons, animatronic dinosaur exhibits, animatronic dinosaur rides, real dinosaur costumes.

Dinosaur Knight of Time and Space – Comes to Aegean Sea Mall:


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