What Dinosaur Suits Can’t You Buy

Lightweight Dinosaur Suit

As a responsible realistic dinosaur suit manufacturer, it is our duty to speak out about irresponsible behavior in the market for sales. There are some manufacturers who want to sell their lightweight dinosaur suits regardless of the internal structure of unreasonable. After selling, they ignore the after-sales behaviors. The indeeds really let our industry shame.

Points what dinosaur suits can’t you buy:

1. When they put the suit on, performers feel pressure on their heads, indicating the internal steel structure is completely unergonomic and the actors will not be insisted for long.

2. When put the suit on, it is obvious that the straps binding for waist or shoulder are too tight, which will choke the flow of blood and cause a burden on the body.

3. There is no backup plan for the action system replacement of mouth and eye moving, resulting in no emergency repair for the realistic dinosaur suit.

Although it is only 3 points, but it has a great impact on the production usage efficiency and life. Please remember that we are a responsible dinosaur product manufacturer, as long as you dare to ask, we dare to reveal the bad behaviors of those shameful industry in the market.

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