Vivid / Lifelike Dinosaur Costume Maker

Vivid Trex Costume

We are professional maker of vivid dinosaur costume. We turn loved Tyrannosaurus Rex, Velociraptor, Triceratops, Ankylosaurus…into wearable suit and wearer could interact with people.

Two hot dinosaur costumes recommended:

Tyrannosaurus Rex Costume – Sculpt dinosaur wearable suit based on Tyrannosaurus Rex style. It is the most popular sale. We recommend it in first (Powerful Symbolization).
Tyrannosaurus Rex Costume

Velociraptor Costume – Sculpt dinosaur wearable suit based on Velociraptor style. It is second hottest sale, especially BLUE figure from Jurassic World. It is speedy symbolization.
Interactive Velociraptor Costume

Notification: Lifelike four-feet dinosaur costume also is our hot sales such as Triceratops, Ankylosaurus, Brachiosaurus style.

If potential customers need our dinosaur costume products, please contact us for quotations.

Lifelike Dinosaur Costume Video:

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