Tailor-Made Juvenile Dinosaur Puppet with Glove

Juvenile Dinosaur Puppet with Glove

Juvenile dinosaur puppet which is controlled mouth, eye and neck movements by hands. The puppet is implanted realistic baby dinosaur’s sound. The baby dinosaurs always be our best-selling products all the time. Recently, we tailor-made juvenile dinosaur puppet with glove for customers as choosed options.

How’s new tailor-made baby dinosaur puppet with glove:

1. We can manufacture any species baby dinosaur. Hot sales as Raptor, Trex, Triceratops and Ankylosaurus etc.

2. We can manufacture any sized baby dinosaurs. Usually it is 0.8-1 meter body-length dinosaur. We also customize bigger one based on clients’ needs, even large dinosaur baby.

3. Customized dinosaur skin textures. Usually their skin-textures are looked like dots, but be made out of various patterns based on clients’ designs.

4. Customized dinosaur skin colors. Usually their skin-colors are mainly lifelike, but be made out of other colors belove from clients. Cartoon color is also good.

Contact us to get your favorite juvenile dinosaur puppet! It is suitable for entertaining children in theme parks, children playgrounds, stage theaters and other places.

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