Robotic / Fiberglass Dinosaur Head as Nightclub Decorations

Robotic Dinosaur Head

Since the second half of 2019, the China has vigorously advocated the development of night economy, which is accompanied by the opening of nightclubs in various regions (level 1 to level 6 cities). As a manufacturer of dinosaur products, how could we miss this market trend? The manufactured fiberglass / robotic dinosaur head alone makes the nightclub get more mystique.

How’s dinosaur head decorations:

1. It arouses people’s curiosity.

2. A unique sight at a local nightclub.

3. It must have been busy with photo flow and private media promotion.

4. Just hearing the fancy name Dino-themed Club will save you a lot of money about ads.

Recommended two dinosaur haed as nightclub decorations:

Robotic Animatronic Dinosaur Head – It can move its mouth, eyes and neck to make viewers feel more authentic.

Fiberglass Dinosaur Head – It also has real dinosaur skin pattern and shape (sculpture), which is cheaper than robotic dinosaur head.

If you want to open a fancy dinosaur-themed nightclub, contact us for a quote on dinosaur head decorations and other dinosaur products.

Robotic Dinosaur Head Video:

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