Reasons about Animatronic Dinosaur Exhibition Failure

Animatronic Dinosaur Exhibition

Today, we tell some unsuccessful reasons about how to run one animatronic dinosaur exhibition. If you are a operator of this exhibition business, could learn somethings from failing experiences. The reasons will help operators to do dinosaur exhibition well.

Unsuccessful reasons below:

1. As a result, the size of the dinosaur purchased does not meet the requirements of the site. Therefore, local workers have to start construction to expand or renovate the site, which leads to greater financial pressure.

2. Tourists in the exhibition area are not well prepared on the road. For example, the road is still sand-land and difficult to walk, there is no parking space in the exhibition area The chaotic planning of the sightseeing road makes it difficult for customers to visit and watch, which makes tourists reluctant to come and have poor experience.

3. Blindly believe that the market stock, as long as there are dinosaurs, can attract countless people to play. If you are not in a place with perfect tourism infrastructure or the densely populated, there will be a large probability of empty exhibition scene. The result is a big gap between the imagined market and the actual market.

4. Be careless to the tourists. For example, the design of line up or buying tickets online is not be in planned; the design of various additional play in the exhibition area is lack; the various snack & toy stalls are not involved in the area. These leads to poor visiting experience and cannot cause public praise.

5. Without any market investigation on the exhibition site, a large amount of capital was blindly invested in infrastructure, resulting in the difficulty of withdrawing capital flow.

6. The price design is unreasonable. At present, the ticket price of national 5A scenic spots is only about 40USD. However, the Dinosaur Exhibition Area which does not have enough area and amusement facilities comparable to 5A scenic spots, sets the ticket price 60USD to 80USD higher. The unreasonable prices lead to ridicule from tourists.

7. Dinosaur exhibition is just a Game for customers. After selling first tickes, the design, planning, publicity, atmosphere created and so on do not invest energy and necessary funds, will inevitably lead to upper tourism decline.

Commercial operation is not easy. If you want to buy our animatronic dinosaur models for commercial exhibition, please avoid the 7 pits listed above. You will be the a leading expert of dinosaur exhibition operation in your country.

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