Hot-Sales Toys from Dinosaur Exhibition

Dinosaur Theme Toys

Through years communication from clients who bought our animatronic dinosaurs to make dinosaur exhibition, we got know what hot-toys popular are. Surely, dinosaur theme toys are most important in the exhibition.

What dinosaur theme toys popular are?

1. Small Dinosaur Model(15-20cm long) – All kids love these lifelike small dinosaurs.
Small Dinosaur Models

2. Dinosaur Eggs(7-8cm high, inside is mini dinosaur puzzles) – They are not only good souvenirs , but also enlighten children’s intelligence. So, the parents love to buy.
Dinosaur Eggs Puzzle

3. Dinosaur Hand Puppet(10cm long, seem like dinosaur style glove) – They are loved by boys. When they put on the two gloves, one dinosaur battle could happen.
Dinosaur Hand Puppet

How’s sale price?

Above dinosaur toys can be bought on Amazon or Alibaba. Operators who create dino-exhibition sell them in over 50%-80% original cost. Clients sell them with high-cost in fine dino-exhibition, which visitors could be deserved.

We welcome potential clients to ask us more dino-theme-toys details, and we offer professional answers.

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