Hot Sales from Animatronic Dinosaur Prop Maker

Baby Animatronic Dinosaur Raptor Prop

Animatronic dinosaur prop is our popular sales. We make lifesized baby dinosaur puppet who is lifelike as real baby dinosaur. The dinosaur prop can move as eyes blinking, neck swaying, head nodding etc. Performers only use hand-operation is ok.

Our six hot-sales baby dinosaur props here:

Hand-Control Dinosaur Puppet – 0.8m long; Performer hug the prop and movements operation from right hand.


Dinosaur Puppet with Glove – 0.8m long; The glove is looked fake arm and inside hand to control its movements.


Dinosaur Puppet with Fake Arm – 0.8m long; One fake arm is fixed on the shoulder of performer and another hand to control its movements.


Dinosaur Prop with Crate – 0.5m long; The dinosaur baby is in the crate and another hand goes inside the crate to operate baby movements.


Dinosaur Prop with Eggshell – 0.5m long; The dinosaur baby is in the eggshell and another hand goes inside the eggshell to operate baby actions.


Shoulder Dinosaur Puppet / Prop – 2.5m long; Taking the dinosaur on the performer’s shoulders. One hand to hold the leg and another hand to operate dinosaur head movements.


Surely, we not only manufacture above six dinosaur theme props, but also produce reasonable props based on clients design or imagination. Please contact us for their quotations.

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