Fabricated Dinosaur Showcase Equipments / Props

Lifelike Velociraptor Showcase Prop

Dinosaur Showcase is kind of dinosaur theme theatre or business entertainment show from theme parks, scenic spots… Through dinosaur showcase, attract kids for watching and add more funs at the parks, spots, malls… We can fabricate dinosaur showcase equipments or props such as real dinosaur costume, walking dinosaur ride, remote dinosaur robot…for the parks, spots, malls…

What showcase equipments or props can we make?

Hidden Legs Dinosaur Suit – Fabricate wearable dinosaur costume with lifelike appearance. After actor wears the costume, he could interact with aduiences.


Four-Feet Dinosaur Performing Suit – Manufacture two-persons wearable dinosaur costume with lifelike appearance. After actor wears the costume, he could interact with aduiences.


Walking Dinosaur Knight Costume – Manufactured Trex, Velociraptor, Carnotaurus, Dilophosaurus…style performing suit with artificial limb, beast skin, rein and stirrup. After actor wears the costume, he could interact with aduiences.


Animatronic Dinosaur Riding Equipment – People can ride dinosaur to operate its walking.


Remote Dinosaur Robot – Through remote control operation, dinosaur model can walk, roar…


If you are interest in business dinosaur showcase, could contact us for equipments / props quotation.

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