Don’t Rent Our Baby Dinosaur Puppet

Baby Dinosaur Puppet for Business Show

Some real estate planning companies, kindergartens or planning institutions such as commercial squares, willing to rent our baby dinosaur puppet in various holidays to entertain people at that time. Baby dinosaurs show the outdoor plaza in national day or come to school in Halloween. In fact, these events basically are made by our clients who purchased our animatronic baby dinosaur puppets. They run exhibition companies or institutions to earn benefits from renting baby dinosaurs peformances.

As a senior sales expert of baby dinosaur prop, I do not recommend the above oversea clients directly rent our baby dinosaur puppets. The reasons are as follows.

1. It is so far among the countries from tens thousands kilometers in each place, that customers have to pay for the return trip in advance.

2. The rental fee is calculated based on the customer’s use of several days. Longer time usage is closer to the price of product itself. Longer time is not cost-effective & shorter time is useless for business.

3. When customers lease, they pay shipping fee, rental fee and deposit (returned to the customer after recovery) in a lump sum. Basically, it has exceeded the value of product itself, so it is better to buy it.

The above three points basically clarify why we do not recommend customers to rent our dinosaur puppets! So what kind of dinosaur products are suitable to rent? It is usually a larger (3 to 10 meters in length) animatronic dinosaur model but only in domestic sites. Welcome to contact us for more information.

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