Animatronic Dinosaur Head as Entertainment Decorations

Tyrannosaurus Rex Head Decorations

The animatronic dinosaur head is one of the most popular decorations for entertainment venues such as dinosaur park entrance, children’s park entrance, dinosaur-themed restaurant entrance, Jurassic Water park entrance, themed KTV etc. The unique dinosaur head decoration is eye-catching to the public.

Animatronic dinosaur head parameters:

Size: 1.5 meters long head – based on 15 meters real T-Rex proportion

Weight: 55KG

Power: 220/110v 50/60hz (set any countries’ electricity standard)

Movements: eyes blinking, mouth opening & closing, head left to right, neck up & down

Sound Effect: real T-Rex’s roaring sound

Usage: be available for DINO EXPO

Potential customers are welcome to order our life size animatronic dinosaur head and using it in more entertainment locations. Please contact us if you have any more ideas about the dinosaur head decoration at entertainment sites.

Animatronic Dinosaur Head Video:

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