Dinosaur Archaeological Playground Model / Facility

Dinosaur Archaeological Playground

Our potential customers will set up Dinosaur Archaeology Playground in shopping malls or kids paradises, where is placed dinosaur skeleton excavation site or complete dinosaur skeleton replica. Kids can interact with site or replica. We are a professional supplier of model / facility for dinosaur archaeological playground.

Four mian products for the playground:

Dinosaur Skeleton Excavation Site – It makes children become little archaeologist immediately. Children enjoy fun of digging and interacting.


Complete Dinosaur Skeleton Replica – People can explore mystery of large prehistoric creatures.


Walking Animatronic Dinosaur Ride – Riders enjoy fun of walking and operating dinosaurs.


Life-Sized Animatronic Dinosaur – People can explore moving & roaring dinosaurs alive.


Welcome businessmen who operate Dinosaur Archaeological Playgrounds to contact us for above models or facilities quotations.

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