Dino Theme Ice Suckers for Dinosaur Exhibition

Dinosaur Stick of Ice Sucker

As the temperature rises and soon enters the scorching summer!

Ice sucker is a popular snack for everyone from kids to seniors. It will work as body heat of effective mitigation in summer.

How to create hot spots and spread for such a seasonal FMCG product under the background of information explosion?

I think this is not only what the client is eager for, but also what we as designers are pursuing.

Ice Sucker Bags

The ice sucker packaging was created by Sasha and Katya Mushkina. They are art directors and graphic designers from Moscow.

Design was born in 2017, but now look no longer outdated. This is the charm of creativity, it can strike popular stuff from children and boost ice suckers selling.

It can also spontaneously attract consumers in the summer every year.

Dinosaur Ice Sucker

They serve DINO which is a famous Russian beverage company with a wide range of products.

The design of the product packaging is inspired by the rich paleontological resources of Siberia.

In particular, the world’s largest and smallest dinosaurs have been unearthed in Russia.

DINO has always wanted to use the dinosaur as a public IP to get associated with the product. Ice sucker is Snack that kids love. Children have no resistance to dinosaurs.

So, the two can work perfectly together.

Two designers (Sasha & Katya Mushkina) who are very observant of life, and also work together to complete packaging design.

Unsurprisingly, the dinosaur-themed ice suckers sold more than 10 million units in its first summer.

Dinosaur Ice Sucker

Why is this ice sucker popular:

DION summer products are more. The two designers grasped the positioning of the product. Children in playgrounds, theme parks, schools, events could use ice suckers to do social contacts.

They used the word DINO on the packaging and designed the stick in the shape of a dinosaur. So, dinosaur sticks colleation also be popular among children. Different dinosaur stick represents different dinosaur spieces.

A kid who own all 7 dinosaur sticks, is shine among the friends.

Dinosaur Ice Sucker

Interested conception:

Dinosaur fossils are generally in the frozen soil layer. The dinosaur ice sucker combined with the industry attributes of ice cream, cartoon dinosaurs, ice and natural structure.

So, the ice suckers also be popular among Natural Museum, Dinosaur Park, Scinece Museum…as touring promotion products.

The dinosaur theme and ice sucker are beloved to teenagers. Incorporating popular fruit flavors into ice suckers, teenagers love them even more.

According to market research, the seven most popular fruit flavors were found. They are the first choice for teenagers to eat fruit.


The above seven fruits were selected from Russian teenagers. Young people of different countries can choose to suit the local taste.

In addition, dinosaur stick was exchanged plastic type. Plastic type is easy to be shaped.

The bags are also colored according to the tastes of the fruits.

Dinosaur Ice Sucker

The outline of a small dinosaur can be seen through the translucent ice.

It’s like going back to childhood and being a paleontologist, eating the product,

Close to prehistoric mysterious creatures, satisfy almost all children’s curiosity.

Even this kind of curiosity arouses the joy of the young and middle-aged, and spontaneously causes the spread.

Save cost for product later marketing!

Promotion on Dino Expo:

The ice suckers with dinosaur theme are impressed snacks for visitors on Dino Expo.

Icy and sweet taste makes visitors enjoying.

The visiotrs not only see lifelike dinosaur exhibits, but also take gift-like dinosaur stick and enjoy fruity ice suckers.

Without doubt, the ice suckers must get well-sales in Dino Expo, summer.

Dinosaur Stick

How to create own ice sucker based on Russian style with Dino Theme:

1. Select feathered dinosaur species as logo design for bag or stick. The species are better related to local paleontological environment or famous images from anime, film…

2. Except for fruit flavored ice suckers, other styles as milk, cheese, chocolate, coke…also can be integrated.

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