Custom Theatre Dinosaur Props Recommend

Custom Raptor Clothing Prop

We recommend two professional theatre dinosaur props here. The custom props bring dinosaur theme fun, shock and excitement to the theatre watchers. On kids theatre / stage, custom dinosaur props always be unique attraction or blockbuster to make people excited.

One – Animatronic Dinosaur Clothing Prop:

1. Single or double persons wear the clothing prop. Through the actions of inside performer, make dinosaur alive.

2. It is the most important role for theatre / stage show.

Dinosaur Clothing Prop Video:


Another One – Baby Dinosaur Puppet Prop:

1. Performers hug or hold 0.5-0.8 meter long baby dinosaurs and operate its movements as eyes blinking, mouth opening…through fingers.

2. It works to entertain watchers especially children.

Baby Dinosaur Puppet Prop Video:


If you business theatre / stage show, could contact us for custom props quotations.

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