Custom-Made Small Dinosaur Props

Custom-Made Baby Raptor Prop

Small dinosaur props are our outstanding product. The small dinosaurs with sound and actions are available for show at theatre, parade, stage…business events. Our custom-made dinosaur prop with lifelike or cartoon appearance. Users can operate it through hand or fingers actions.

Our customized four small dinosaur props here:

Hand-Control Dinosaur Baby Prop – Performer hugs the baby and another hand goes inside neck part to control its mouth opening, eyes blinking…


Small Dinosaur Prop with Wooden Case – Performer hugs the case and baby dinosaur moves in the case. Also be equipped fake-arm as decoration.


Small Dinosaur Prop with Eggshell – Performer hugs the eggshell and baby dinosaur moves in the eggshell.


Baby Dinosaur Puppet and Equipped Fake-Arm – Performer use one fake-arm to hug baby dinosaur, and dinosaur acts naturally. Audiences see dinosaur movements like self-moving.


Our baby or juvenile style dinosaur props are available for performance at shopping mall, plaza, scenic area, kids playground, park… Welcome runners or managers to contact us for their quotations.

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