Custom Dinosaur Exhibition Interactive Props

Animatronic Lifelike Dinosaur Props

In dinosaur theme commercial exhibition, interactive dinosaur props could encourage attraction atmosphere. The interactive dinosaur entertainment impress the visitors and make better scoial effects.

Two theme props work for dinosaur exhibition:

Animatronic Lifelike Dinosaur Costume – Adult wears the costume to be dinosaur alive. Make use of interactive dinosaur entertainment as theatre main role.


Animatronic Lifelike or Cartoon Dinosaur Puppet – Performer hugs the baby dinosaur to control its movements as eyes blinking, neck swaying, mouth opening… Use it to interact with visitors or aduiences.


The two dinosaur props are available for show at dinosaur exhibition, and work as attracting theme kids theatre. We can supply two interactive animatronic dinosaur props like that!

Welcome potential clients who business dinosaur exhibitions to contact us for their quotations.

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