Be Important to Clean Animatronic Dinosaur Accessories

Animatronic Dinosaur Product Accessories

After animatronic dinosaur products are manufactured, there are generally accumulated dust, colloidal fluid and adhesive residues on the accessories. It more or less affect the beauty of the integrity of dinosaur products. After cleaning the finished dinosaur product accessories, it should become the regular work flow of the quality inspection department. To give customers a good impression of the product is also an important part of product quality.

Today, my customers from Shandong, Wefang city give us a caution – our walking dinosaur riding equipment’s appearance is very good, but a check inside the control box and battery found how there are stains in the above, looked like the accessory is to use old products😓. Here I really have to redress the complaint to our company, because I personally witnessed the two products being produced by welders, electricians and artists. Both are new products and new accessories, but they gave the impression of used accessories to the customer, which is absolutely not allowed in our business practice.

Because of this caution today, let us pay more attention to the importance of cleaning animatronic dinosaur accessories after manufacturing. Only keeping good to product details that make the customers satisfied. Although I have explained to the customer, I have always been reluctant to start from the customer’s point of view, which is the key to doing a long-term business. In the future, we will regularize the inspection work of the quality inspection department on the cleanliness of product accessories, and persistently complete each product.

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