Remote Control Dinosaur Equipment Features

Remote Control Tyrannosaurus Rex Equipment

In order to adapt to the development of Dinosaur Theme Theater market (Stage Show), the company specially researched & developed Remote Control Dinosaur Equipment, which can create larger and more vivid animatronic dinosaur robot to entertain the audiences.

Remote control dinosaur equipment features:

1. We can customize any dinosaur species into remote walking mode.

2. Remoting control dinosaur robot’s forward, backward, left turn, right turn, mouth open, roar.

3. All movements are controlled by a single remote control unit, be easy and convenient.

4. One person can control it.

Dinosaur equipment selling points:

1. Persons remotely control dinosaurs to create an atmosphere of dinosaur infestation in the theater.

2. It is a walking dinosaur that can shock audiences.

3. Remoting control dinosaur to get close to the audience for interaction entertainment, creating a strong sense of interaction.

Remote Dinosaur Robot Video:

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