Famous Dinosaur Species Lived in Cretaceous Period

Cretaceous Trex Exhibits

The ruler of the Earth during the Cretaceous period

When it comes to dinosaurs, I think everyone’s first impression is the Jurassic Park series of movies, and the rise of dinosaurs in the Cretaceous period.

During this period, dinosaurs began to develop rapidly on a global scale and soon won the throne of the spokesperson of the earth.

Then there will be an epic confrontation between herbivores and carnivores.

Animatronic Dinosaurs at Playground
Dinosaurs Show

So who had the last laugh?

Imagine the towering Argentinosaurus, the armored ankylosaurus, the ferocious Tyrannosaurus Rex, the tiny & agile Velociraptor…all fighting for their own survival.

There is an endless struggle between them, with only the strongest and toughest species securing a place at the top of the food chain.

However, this great era of dinosaur domination was brought to an end by a sudden global catastrophe.

Led to the tragic extinction of most dinosaur species and forever changed the course of life on Earth

Known as the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction event.

Tourism Animatronic Dinosaurs

As the last period of the Mesozoic period, the Cretaceous period continued a long time process from 145 million years ago to 65 million years ago.

During this time, many different types of dinosaurs have appeared on Earth, including some of the largest and most iconic creatures.

As the Jurassic passed into the Cretaceous, the dominant fauna began to change, and new groups of dinosaurs, such as Ceratosaurs and theropods, became increasingly active.

The Cretaceous period is divided into two periods.

The Early Cretaceous period, which occurred between 145 million and 100 million years ago, saw a dramatic increase in the number of dinosaurs.

As the Early Cretaceous progressed, new groups of heteropods and sauropods began to emerge.

It was also the time when the first birds evolved from small feathered theropod dinosaurs.

In the Late Cretaceous period, one of the most important events occurred the breakup of the supercontinent Pangaea, followed by the formation of several separate continents such as Lauria.

The breakup of Pangea eventually led to the formation of modern continents, setting the stage for the evolution of unique groups of dinosaurs on each continent.

The new environment also led to the emergence of new types of dinosaurs that adapted their habitats to specific conditions.

Moreover, flowering plants appeared for the first time in the Late Cretaceous, which had a major impact on the ecosystem at the time and changed the food chain and how dinosaurs interacted with plants.

In addition, sea levels rose further, flooding low-lying areas and creating the shallow areas we see today, making room for new Marine ecosystems to develop.

At that time, aquatic life was rich and diverse.

As the Cretaceous progressed, the continents slowly began to separate, and the once-unified Pangaea gradually evolved into Lauria, Asia, and the Shield continents, which over time eventually formed the modern continents we know today.

Of course, the dinosaurs, who were roaming freely on the mainland, were separated.

During the Cretaceous period, every creature had its unique strengths and weaknesses, whether it was an animal or a plant.

At this moment, in the heart of the North American continent, a violent collision is about to unfold between the most powerful predator and the hardiest herbivore.

Tyrannosaurus Rex, as we all know, is the overlord on land. It is not only powerful, but also has a very angry temper. It is the representative of the double family of Tyrannosaurus and large theropod dinosaurs.

They usually like to wander around when they are free, and if anyone is upset, they will go up and have a friendly conversation.

Tyrannosaurus rex was one of the largest land predators that ever lived, reaching 39 feet in length and weighing about 7 tons.

With their huge jaws and sharp teeth up to six inches long, they have no fear of roaming the land, and almost all kinds of animals on the ground have been bullied by them except the air force, which is out of reach of the sky.

The remains of Tyrannosaurus Rex were first found in the western United States in the late 19th century.

The discovery became a paleontological milestone at the time, because it was one of the most complete and largest dinosaurs ever found.

It has also been exhibited at the Museum of Natural History in New York America.

Tyrannosaurus Rex had a bite force of more than 12,800 pounds, making it one of the most powerful animals ever recorded.

It is believed that not only was Tyrannosaurus Rex powerful, it was also not weak, running at speeds of up to 20 miles per hour, and we all know that powerful animals are generally not slow.

Then one has to ask, isn’t this invincible?

No, of course not. T-Rex has plenty of rivals.

Animatronic Trex Model as Dinosaur World Decoration
12m Long Animatronic Trex Model

One example is Triceratops, a large herbivorous dinosaur that looked a bit like a modern rhinoceros.

Although it looks cute, it has the same temper as Tyrannosaurus Rex.

That’s why a grass eater has to fight a meat eater.

Triceratops grew up to 29 feet in length and weighed up to 12 tons, with a bony crown made of horny skin surrounding its massive head.

And that’s what they have against T-Rex.

Archaeologists have also found vascular structures in Triceratops’ bones that resemble feathers in modern birds, suggesting that Triceratops may have had bright colors like birds.

This would have helped them socialize better, and many of the skulls of Triceratops have been found to be worn and indentalized, suggesting that they were very aggressive, perhaps for a rich territory or for several strong and beautiful mates.

This Triceratops specimen not only has a broken horn, but it also has a horrible row of teeth marks.

However, studies have shown that the Triceratops died of natural causes.

You can imagine what a Triceratops could do to survive.

Animatronic Triceratops Exhibits
Custom Animatronic Triceratops Exhibits

Then, at this time, the Ankylosaurus will stand up and say no to violence.

At the time, Ankylosaurs also roamed the territory of the modern-day United States and Canada.

It can reach a length of 29 feet and weigh about 7 tons.

Ankylosaurus is known for its distinctive body armor, including thick bony plates and a club-like tail.

This armor makes most carnivores shake their heads.

The club-like tail, in particular, is one of its most striking features, formed by the fusion of several large bones to form a mass weighing hundreds of pounds.

The club-like tail can be used as defensive weapons, or they can be swung so hard that they shatter bones and kill opponents, much better than turtles.

This unique adaptability and armor make it easy for Ankylosaurus to live in a place.

Ankylosaurus Exhibits
Customized Ankylosaurus Exhibits

Another unique North American species is Pachycephalosaurus.

In 1943, fossil hunter Barnum Brown discovered a skull while digging in the Hill Creek Formation in Montana.

After careful study, they were surprised to find that it was a fossil of a species called Pachycephalosaurus.

This dinosaur was 15 feet long and weighed about 990 pounds.

Its Latin name means “fat-headed lizard,” referring to its thick, domed skull, which can be up to seven inches thick and is designed to protect it from head collisions.

Of course, the fight is just for the territories and mating partners

Although the thick & strong head of Pachycephalosaurus, but most of their personality is gentle, is a kind of peaceful creatures, generally only in the open space without animals quietly eat grass.

Animatronic Pachycephalosaur
Animatronic Pachycephalosaur

We usually think of dinosaurs as giant, scary lizards.

However, there are always some exceptions, just different.

Fast forward to Loasia, once the second fragment of the supercontinent Pangea.

In the dense primeval forests of the Early Cretaceous period, there existed a small feathered dinosaur called Archaeopteryx.

Similar in size to a crow, Archaeopteryx was one of the early birds that evolved from small feathered theropod dinosaurs.

It often preys on insects and small reptiles among the branches of ancient trees.

The discovery of Archaeopteryx dates back to the late 1850s, when a German farmer named Jacob Niemeyer discovered a fossilized feather in the Sonofen limestone formation in Bavaria, Germany.

Later, more complete specimens were found.

The discovery of Archaeopteryx provided science with the first clear evidence of an evolutionary link between birds and dinosaurs.

Its unique combination of bird and reptile features, such as feathers and wishbones, challenges the traditional view of birds as a separate animal group.

Bambiraptor Model
Manufactured Bambiraptor Model

At the same time, at the other end of the same forest, a thrilling escape is taking place, and a Cryptoceratops is being chased by a Ceratopsian dinosaur.

Cryptoceratops had a compact and agile body, a small size, and relied mainly on four legs to maneuver its body.

Protoceratops Exhibits
Custom Protoceratops Exhibits

In Greek, “Leptoseratops” means “face with thin horns.”

This animal has a sharp, small neck ring behind its head and a short horn on its nose.

It is about 6.5 feet long and weighs about 330 pounds.

Because this plant-eating dinosaur was relatively small, it was easy prey for other predators.

It became the target of a saurosaurid, a carnivorous dinosaur that grew up to 10 feet long and about 6.5 feet tall.

Saurosaurs had lengthened skulls compressed longitudinally, relatively large brains, and sharp teeth.

The second toe of each foot also has a large, fearsome sickle-shaped claw that helps it grasp prey and easily rips the skin.

With this lethal combination of weapons, their target has almost no chance of escape.

As we travel east into ancient Asia, we encounter all kinds of magnificent creatures.

These creatures call this vast expanse of land their home.

Full Size Dimetrodon Exhibits
Manufactured Full Size Dimetrodon Exhibits

From tall herbivores to fearsome predators, these giants have a variety of adaptations that allow them to thrive in their environment.

There is no doubt that Tarbosaurus, one of the fiercest predators, became one of the species that dominated the territory of old Asia.

Tarbosaurus was a large theropod dinosaur belonging to the family Tyrannosaurus, the same family as the famous Tyrannosaurus Rex and Albertosaurus.

It’s fair to say that Tyrannosaurs were born with a powerful template.

Tarbosaurus was a bipedal predator and one of the largest meat-eating dinosaurs of its time, with scientists estimating that adult individuals could have grown to about 40 feet and weighed up to 6 tons.

It had a large skull, powerful jaws, sharp teeth and strong neck muscles.

These characteristics made it one of the most fearsome predators of its time, and large animals were also their targets.

Tarbosaurus was first proposed by paleontologist Rinchen Barsbold in 1955 and named Tarbosaurus Bataar.

Archaeological findings show that they mostly lived in the region of modern Mongolia, and several well-preserved fossils of the species have also been found in the region.

Tarbosaurus has long been considered a close relative of Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Some paleontologists have also speculated that the two species are actually the same, speculating that Tarbosaurus was a distant Asian branch of the Tyrannosaurus Rex genus.

However, long-term studies have shown that they are distinct species.

Tarbosaurus had unique features, such as longer forelimbs, a longer skull, and a less stocky body type, which distinguished it from Tyrannosaurus Rex in every way.

Typically, Tarbosaurus would have been able to hunt dinosaurs of any size as adults, even more bolder than African mellivora capensis.

Life Size Tarbosaurus Model
Life Size Tarbosaurus Model

The young Tarbosaurus could only prey on small creatures like Psittacosaurus.

Psittacosaurus was a small herbivorous dinosaur that lived during the Cretaceous period. It belonged to the family Ceratophoridae, which also includes the famous Triceratops and Spiniceratops.

Translated from the Greek, Psittacosaurus means “parrot lizard”, and the name is named after the shape of the skull of the psittacosaurus, which had a beak similar to that of a parrot.

Beak-like mouths are a common feature among herbivorous dinosaurs, which were able to efficiently cut through vegetation.

Psittacosaurus was a four-legged dinosaur, one of the smallest ceratosaurs, measuring about 6.5 feet in length and weighing about 44 pounds, with a small skull, a beaked mouth, and flat & foliated teeth that fed primarily on soft plants.

It is known for its distinctive head decoration, including an extended skull, small horns, and a scaly decoration that may have been used for defense or showing off.

Thanks to its unique bone structure, this dinosaur could move quickly and nimbly, helping them evade predators.

Psittacosaurus Models
Lifelike Psittacosaurus Models

You can’t talk about small and fast without mentioning the famous Raptor.

Raptor’s scientific name is Velociraptor, also known as Velocisaurus, which means agile and cunning.

Although they are small, they are mainly meat eaters, which has formed a social life habit.

After all, no matter how quick and resourceful you are, your small body is there, and in independent fighting mode you are completely bullied someone else.

Community life embodies the role of wisdom and strength in numbers. With their sharp claws and clever hunting strategy, they become a formidable opponent that any creature is difficult to fight.

Fossils of Raptors were first discovered in the Gobi Desert in Mongolia in the early 20th century.

In 1922, a team of paleontologists led by Andres of the American Museum of Natural History also discovered the first Velociraptor fossil in the Degardokta Formation.

This specimen was the first scientifically documented Velociraptor and was named Velociraptor mongoliensis.

Over time, more and more Velociraptors were found in China and Mongolia in Asia.

In 2007, Paleontologists Alan Turner, Peter Makovicky, Mark Norell, and their colleagues reported finding Quill knobs on the forearm of a velociraptor fossil from Mongolia, It turns out Velociraptor had feathers.

The word “Velociraptor” comes from Latin, where “velox” means fast and “Raptor” means thief or predator.

The name was chosen because of the speed and agility of this dinosaur, as well as their potential as a predator.

Velociraptors were small, about 6.5 feet long and 33 pounds in weight, with scythe claws on the second toes of each foot, suggesting they were a highly dexterous and unusually active hunter.

This claw can be used to hold and immobilize prey, like small dinosaurs and early mammals.

Velociraptors are known for their intelligence and hunting behavior, which is unusual among dinosaurs.

Velociraptors had relatively large brains relative to their size, making them an intelligent and highly adapted predator.

This, combined with the habit of living in groups, naturally resulted in strategies for communicating and coordinating hunting.

Velociraptor Model of Jurassic World
Velociraptor Model of Jurassic World

In 1971, fossils of Velociraptors and Protoceratops were discovered in the Gobi Desert of Mongolia, known as the “Fighting Dinosaurs.”

The fossils show that two dinosaurs died at the same time in battle and were forever petrified.

This is a sub-adult Velociraptor, its hind legs gripping the neck of an adult Proceratosaurus.

The location of the bones suggests they were engaged in a violent struggle or predation interaction at the time of death.

The open mouth of the protoceratops indicates that it had grabbed the Velociraptor, suggesting that it was a fight to the death.

The discovery provides scientists with important data about the behavior and ecology of these two dinosaurs, and gives humans a glimpse into the dynamics of the ancient ecosystem.

At the time of death, they may have been engaged in fierce fights over territory or food.

This also suggests that Velociraptor was an aggressive hunter and opportunistic predator, meaning that it hunted whatever prey it could get its hands on, rather than having a specific preference or eating habits.

It also suggests that the protoceratops were able to resist the attacks of Velociraptors, and fought back, showing some self-defense.

Protoceratops was a herbivorous dinosaur that lived during the Late Cretaceous period.

It was one of the smaller ceratosaurs of the four-legged dinosaurs, measuring about 8.2 feet in length and weighing about 176 pounds.

Its skull was equipped with powerful muscles and leaf-shaped teeth, suggesting that it fed mainly on soft plants.

Protoceratops had a beak-like muzzle, a distinctive skull with a large bone collar at the back of the head, a pair of small horns above the eyes, and a pair of large horns on either side of the cheek.

Animatronic Protoceratops Exhibits
Handwork Animatronic Protoceratops Exhibits

In old Africa continent, there was a group of large carnivorous dinosaurs called Spinosaurs.

They usually feed on the banks of rivers and other places.

Longer than Tyrannosaurus Rex, estimated to have reached 60 feet and weighed up to 20 tons.

Spinosaurus had large sail-like structures on its back, which were made up of elongated nerve spines.

The function of this feature is widely debated, with some suggesting that it is used to regulate temperature, others that it is used for courtship, and still others that it is just used to make up.

Its feet are webbed to help it slide and move flexibly in the water.

Spinosaurus had large & sharp teeth on its long & narrow jaws, perfect for catching slippery prey like fish and amphibians.

In addition to aquatic adaptations, Spinosaurus had long & sharp claws on its forelimbs.

These claws play an important role in gripping and subduing prey.

With its great environmental adaptations, Spinosaurus was a formidable predator.

Spinosaurus Amusement Equipment
5m long Spinosaurus Amusement Equipment

On the other side of the bank, a colony of Iguanodon is feeding in the lush vegetation.

Iguanodon was a large herbivorous dinosaur that could walk on all four legs and possibly on two.

They were about 32 feet long and weighed about 4 tons, and had a wide & narrow head with a horny beak at the front of the upper jaw that contained teeth, but was larger and denser.

One of the most well-known features of Iguanodon is the sharp spines on the thumb of its forelimbs, which are believed to be capable of delivering powerful blows to enemies.

Full Size Iguanodon Model
Full Size Iguanodon Model

In the same area, the large Carcharodontosaurus was prowling around in search of prey.

Carcharodon was one of the largest carnivorous dinosaurs of its time and probably the top predator in Africa during the Cretaceous period.

Its head measured 63 inches, its total length was 39 feet, and its weight was between 6 and 15 tons, according to different estimates.

Walking on two legs, it has a long & heavy tail to help balance its body, and teeth up to eight inches long make it a formidable hunter.

Similar to the teeth of the big white shark, it is also known as the big white shark lizard.

Hardly any prey could have stood up to Carcharodon on its own, and this dinosaur had a rich diet, including Spinosaurus and Iguanosaurus.

Animatronic Allosaurus
Large Animatronic Allosaurus

So, let’s talk about real megafauna.

South America is famous for its large number and size of dinosaur fossils.

Giganotosaurus is one of the largest known meat-eating dinosaurs, and according to some estimates, it may even have been larger than the famous Tyrannosaurus Rex.

But Giganotosaurus was a slow-growing dinosaur that took about 20 to 25 years to reach full adult size, much longer than Tyrannosaurus Rex.

The adult Giganotosaurus was about 43 feet long and weighed 11 tons.

Fossils of Gigatosaurus were first discovered in Argentina, making it one of South America’s most famous carnivorous dinosaurs.

The discovery supports the idea of a rich fauna and diverse ecosystem on Gondwana during the Cretaceous period.

Some research suggests that Giganotosaurus may have lived in groups like other theropod dinosaurs, suggesting that they may have been a social animal that hunted in groups.

But Giganotosaurus wasn’t the only predator in this lush tropical environment.

Full Size Dinosaur Model for Museum
Full Size Dinosaur Model for Museum

In this competitive environment, Giganotosaurus had to compete not only with its own kind for territory and resources, but also with other meat-eating dinosaurs, such as Maputosaurus.

Maputosaurus is closely related to Giganotosaurus, and they are very similar in size, shape, and feeding habits.

Both were large carnivorous dinosaurs that lived in South America during the Late Cretaceous, and they also had similar skull and jaw structures.

Maputosaurus is about 36 feet long and weighs 5 tons.

The first Maputosaurus fossil remains were discovered in Argentina in 2000, and multiple specimens were found at the same time, which is quite rare among dinosaur fossils.

It suggests that Maputosaurus were social animals that hunted large prey together in a collaborative manner, similar to modern wolves or lions.

Manufactured Allosaurus Exhibit
Manufactured Dinosaur Exhibit

Speaking of this, we have to mention a very large dinosaur in Argentina – Argentinosaurus.

It turns out that this dinosaur was one of the largest dinosaurs known to exist.

It got its name because it was found in Argentina.

It is estimated to have been incredibly long and heavy, but the exact size is much debated.

Argentinosaurus was a plant-eating dinosaur known for its large size and long neck.

According to some fossil estimates, Argentinosaurus may have reached 115 feet long and weighed a total of about 100 tons.

As a sauropod, Argentinosaurus fed on a variety of plants, including conifers and ferns.

It is thought that its long neck and small head evolved to be able to reach the tallest parts of trees.

Of course, as with giraffes, this idea is highly unevolutionary.

Because they are so large, they move very slowly and are relatively invulnerable to most predators.

They have a unique limb structure, a very wide hip, and a shorter femur, indicating that they adopted a wide, steady posture to support their large body weight.

Growth lines found in the bones of Argentinosaurus suggest that they had a long lifespan, possibly living to 100 years or more.

This is a much longer lifespan than most other dinosaurs, most of which typically live between 20 and 50 years.

Huge Argentinosaurus Model
Huge Argentinosaurus Model

Over millions of years throughout the Cretaceous, Australia gradually separated from Gondwana and began to move northward, causing Australia to separate from Antarctica, eventually colliding with the Eurasian plate and forming the continent we know today.

Australia’s climate at the time was generally warm and humid, with dense vegetation covering much of the country.

There is a rich system of rivers and lakes in the interior of the continent, and the climate of the region is seasonal, with a dry season followed by a rainy season.

This had major implications for the dinosaurs inhabiting the area, which had to adapt to changing environmental conditions to survive.

It provided a rich diet for the large herbivorous dinosaur as Muttaburrasaurus.

It was a four-legged dinosaur with a large body and a relatively small head, up to 26 feet long and weighing about three tons.

Muttaburrasaurus fossils have been found at a number of different sites in Australia, suggesting that this dinosaur was widespread and lived in isolated populations.

Muttaburrasaurus have some characteristics that allow them to survive in dry seasonal climates, such as their large nasal passages that help reduce water loss.

Muttaburrasaurus fed on a variety of plants, including conifers, ferns, iron trees, and ginkgo trees.

However, during the dry season, these dinosaurs had to migrate to new locations in search of food and water.

Unlike Muttaburrasaurus, Leaellynasaura was a small bipedal herbivorous dinosaur that lived during the Cretaceous period.

Paleontologists estimate that Leaellynasaura was no more than four feet long and weighed about 44 pounds.

Their size allows them to move quickly and nimbly through the jungle in search of food.

Although Muttaburrasaurus and Leaellynasaura lived in the same ecosystem, their differences in size and other characteristics allowed them to exploit different resources and avoid competition.

During the Early Cretaceous period, Australia was close to the Arctic Circle and therefore experienced extremely long nights and days.

In some places, it’s possible to go weeks or even months without seeing sunlight, meaning Leaellynasaura could live in darkness throughout the winter.

A fragment of the skull of a Leaellynasaura shows enlarged eyes and proportionally larger lobes, suggesting they had adapted to low-light conditions.

Leaellynasaura also had long, thick, hair-like bristles on their bodies that helped keep them warm during the cold & dark nights of the early Cretaceous.

In addition, their smaller size reduces their need for water during the dry season.

Leaellynasaura Model
Animated Leaellynasaura Model

Questions for us:

1. The dinosaurs mentioned above, would you bring them back?

2. Please show real dinosaur exhibits you made.

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Hot sales as animatronic Iguanodon. Good herbivorous dinosaur exhibits for theme park or museum…


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Hot Sales as animatronic Ankylosaurus. It is known armored car in dinosaur world.


More dinosaurs lived in Cretaceous Period we could make recovery! If you want more Cretaceous Dinosaur Exhibits, please contact us for quotations.

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