8 Hot Dinosaur Rides for Jurassic / Dino Restaurant

Kids Triceratops Ride at Restaurant
Kids Triceratops Ride at Restaurant

Among the many lifelike dinosaur products, animatronic dinosaur riding equipment has always been popular with children. Riding equipment is also the easiest product for operators (buyers) to use to obtain revenue. Users can place their equipments in specific areas and then charge the warriors for interactive fun rides.

Let’s move the scene to the “Jurassic Restaurant” that set up the animatronic dinosaur rides! The operators of the theme restaurants purchase different varieties of dinosaur rides is its own logic. Be diffferent from traditional theme parks, playgrounds, children’s parks, set up the equipments in the restaurants according to the children’s preferences and cartoon dinosaur theme movie characters.

Let’s take a look at the 8 most popular dinosaur rides for Jurassic / dinosaur restaurants.

Trex Ride

Big Trex Ride
Big Trex Ride

Tyrannosaurus Rex models / exhibits are a timeless classic and preferred choice in any place of entertainment and interaction. Its fame is so great that no child or adult is unaware of the fame of Tyrannosaurus Rex. It’s no surprise that once the T-Rex is in the corner of the restaurant, guests will want to take a photo. Children will ride a Tyrannosaurus Rex for an exciting “Jurassic adventure”.

Triceratops Ride

Animatronic Triceratops Ride
Animatronic Triceratops Ride

There is no doubt that Triceratops was one of the eternal enemies of Tyrannosaurus Rex, and one of the most well-known herbivorous dinosaurs. As a giant bulldozer in the dinosaur world, how can it be missing in the theme restaurant. Once the girls come to the restaurant for dinner, they will basically come to take pictures with the Triceratops. Sit on the Triceratops and enjoy the fun of this tame dinosaur.

Velociraptor Ride

Jurassic Raptor Blue Ride
Jurassic Raptor Blue Ride

Dinosaur themed restaurants often show clips of movies like “Jurassic World”. Trust me, showing dinosaur movies like that in the restaurant creates a more exciting atmosphere. Then the “Raptor Blue” from the Jurassic World if it appears in the theme restaurant, it will be an exhibition that causes onlookers. Similarly, once the Bule is built into a riding equipment, it will also usher in guests to compete for riding fun.

Pachycephalosaurus (Stygimoloch) Ride

Pachycephalosaurus Ride
Pachycephalosaurus Ride

Pachycephalosaurus (Stygimoloch) suddenly became famous after the release of the movie Jurassic World. Its appearance is very strange, with a hard skull and sharp horns on the head, reckless behavior looks so dumb. Pachycephalosaurus riding equipment in the theme restaurant is also welcome.

Dilophosaurus Ride

Fun Dilophosaurus Ride
Fun Dilophosaurus Ride

The deceptively Dilophosaurus is a very good-looking dinosaur model! Especially the pair of “fans” around its neck, once opened, it seems to open a beautiful umbrella. Among theme restaurants, Dilophosaurus ride is no less popular than the Velociraptor ride. If Dilophosaurus ride is equipped with a water spitting device, it is even more attractive.

Indominus Rex Ride

Animatronic Indominus Rex Ride
Animatronic Indominus Rex Ride

Indominus Rex gained worldwide fame after the release of Jurassic World. It is the product of the combination of genes of Tyrannosaurus Rex, Velociraptor and Giganotosaurus, and it is very vicious and dangerous. Once Indominus Rex riding equipment is placed in the theme restaurant, children need a little courage to dare to sit on it and play.

Parasaurolophus Ride

Parasaurolophus Riding Equipment
Parasaurolophus Riding Equipment

Parasaurolophus is also a well-known herbivorous dinosaur. It is often accompanied by carnivorous dinosaurs in dinosaur-themed restaurants. It is very cute with the appearance of a herbivorous dinosaur, and children who like docile dinosaurs love to ride it for fun and interaction.

Brachiosaurus Ride

Brachiosaurus Ride
Brachiosaurus Ride

There is no doubt that Brachiosaurus is one of the most well-known herbivorous long-necked dinosaurs, having gained worldwide fame decades ago when Jurassic Park was released. Herbivorous Brachiosaurus does not have any aggression, especially suitable for placing in the dinosaur restaurant for timid children to ride fun.

Animatronic Dinosaur Ride at Theme Restaurant – Video Display:


Potential customers who run dinosaur / Jurassic themed restaurants are welcome to contact us for more details on riding equipment.

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