10 Popular Dinosaur Documentaries You Must See

Tyrannosaurus Rex VS Spinosaurus
Tyrannosaurus Rex VS Spinosaurus

If you want to understand how dinosaurs lived their whole lives, it is worth recommending to look at the highly acclaimed and popular dinosaur documentaries. In these documentaries, starting from a certain type of dinosaur species (Iguanodon, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Styracosaurus, Triceratops, Spinosaurus, etc.), they demonstrate the six necessary stages of “breaking out of the shell”, going through the disaster of growth, overcoming the difficulties, becoming the top members of the food chain, being replaced by new members, and dying alone. The audience will marvel at how wonderful these prehistoric lives are, facing the same threats as modern animals, and getting a burst of upward strength from their efforts to survive.

Of course, these documentaries not only show how the life of a single dinosaur species is presented, but also systematically introduce what our Earth was like in prehistoric times. The audience will also be fascinated by the huge plants and huge sea creatures of that time. It’s amazing to think that this mysterious earth, full of large creatures and vegetation, is our modern home. Through the detailed explanation of the earth’s environment at that time, the audience also gained more valuable biological knowledge.

Today, let’s take a look at the “dinosaur documentaries” worth watching!

Prehistoric Planet

Prehistoric Planet
Prehistoric Planet

Set in the environment of the Cretaceous period, Prehistoric Planet depicts scenes of coasts, deserts, rivers, ice worlds and forests, showing the little-known and surprising life of dinosaurs, and will take viewers on a journey into the world of dinosaurs 66 million years ago. Using the most advanced imaging technology and computer effects, the documentary combines scientific research with the latest paleontological research to depict prehistoric species and their habitats. These unimaginably large, ferocious and strange creatures have left their mark on the planet. It combines wildlife filmmaking techniques with the latest paleontological knowledge to uncover the spectacular animal habitats of ancient Earth in a unique way.

From Iceland to Namibia, the team traveled all over the world to find a background very similar to the world 66 million years ago. The film is not pure CG pedigree, and many of the background environments in the film were shot by the team from the real world. The shooting team must not only consider the location of the camera in order to integrate with CG dinosaurs in the later stage, but also deal with the threat of creatures such as snakes and lions at any time, but also deal with the impact of the epidemic lockdown and control.

Planet Dinosaur

Planet Dinosaur
Planet Dinosaur

Planet Dinosaur is a high-definition documentary. The film comprehensively expounds 20 famous dinosaurs of different forms in Asia, Europe, North America and South America, and its dinosaur shape inherits the style of Walking with Dinosaurs. The whole film is produced with CG technology. Scientifically, the film combines a large number of the latest paleontological research findings, including the comprehensive application of warm-blooded dinosaur theory, such as the hairy dinosaur, the dinosaur that can hatch eggs, the dinosaur that takes care of the baby, etc., is a wonderful virtual dinosaur world TV series.

More than 50 prehistoric species and their habitats are shown through computer effects. The film uses a lot of high-definition special effects, so that the audience feel the prehistoric dinosaurs real image. From 9.5 million years ago in North Africa to the end of the Cretaceous period, the film reveals the eating habits and behavior of dinosaurs. The film travels the globe with the audience, taking the audience back hundreds of millions of years to the prehistoric world. In each episode of the series Planet Dinosaur, viewers will travel to a different continent in the prehistoric world and follow the dinosaurs on an unusual adventure. Viewers feel as if they are at the end of the Cretaceous period (85 million to 65 million years ago) and experience first-hand the life of a dinosaur – its living environment, its joys and sorrows, and its struggle for survival.

Walking With Dinosaurs

Walking With Dinosaurs
Walking With Dinosaurs

The film uses cutting-edge computer technology and animatronics to show dinosaurs like never before. The documentary premiered in the United Kingdom on October 4, 1999. Walking With Dinosaurs is the world’s first natural history of dinosaurs. It allows us to go back in time and see live dinosaurs in their habitat. Imagine being able to witness a prehistoric sunset, imagine you’re watching insect-eating pterosaurs chase moths through the damp twilight sky, and Triceratops fight to the death over a young female. This is no longer a dream. Tracing the history of dinosaurs over 160 million years, from their first appearance to their sudden disappearance, this film makes that distant world seem as if it still exists today.

This documentary changes the way dinosaurs are told in previous educational stories, and by telling the story of dinosaurs, people can better understand the history and biology of dinosaurs. It guides the audience to be interested in dinosaurs through the way of solving puzzles, which increases the interest and attraction of learning.

Prehistoric Park

Prehistoric Park
Prehistoric Park

Prehistoric Park is a 3D virtual documentary brought to life by internationally renowned biological explorer Nigel Marven. Through a very special 3D technology that awakens the public’s intellectual knowledge, the historical and ecological environment of the Prehistoric Park is shown in real pictures and rich content. The documentary focuses on the prehistoric period when humans co-existed with dinosaurs, and by revealing the story of scientists’ research and conservation of dinosaurs, it allows the audience to understand the mystery and wonder of ancient creatures. At the same time, the documentary also shows the audience a variety of strange and precious animals and plants in the Prehistoric Park, allowing the audience to learn about those species on the Earth that are not extinct.

Want to see some extinct species again? Want to bring these extinct species back to life? The new documentary “Prehistoric Park” will take you back in time to see species that have become extinct, and join scientists to save these extinct species and bring them back to the 21st century.

Jurassic Fight Club

Jurassic Fight Club
Jurassic Fight Club

Jurassic Fighting Club is a documentary about dinosaur fighting during the Jurassic period. It shows the fierce fight between dinosaurs by telling the fighting scenes between dinosaurs. This fight scene is very realistic, allowing the audience to feel the real power and threat of dinosaurs. Through this documentary, viewers can learn more about the dinosaurs of the Jurassic period and cherish the precious moments of co-existence with these mysterious creatures.

The prehistory of the dinosaur battlefield is shown through CG effects. Archaeological evidence has led to discoveries in understanding how dinosaurs fought for supremacy.This film will give us a history of the dinosaurs, a history of the dinosaurs’ fight for survival, and a detailed description of those who played the role of hunters in this race.

Episode 1: The Biggest Killer

Episode 2: Bloody Prehistoric Battle

Episode 3: Cannibalistic dinosaurs

Episode 4: Velociraptor vs T-Rex

Episode 5: Dinosaurs Fight

Episode 6: From Hunter to Prey

Episode 7: Monsters of the Ice Age

Episode 8: The Final Blow of the Raptor

Episode 9: Killer of Deep Sea

Episode 10: River of Death

Episode 11: Who Killed the T-Rex

Episode 12: The extinction of the dinosaurs

Dinosaur Revolution

Dinosaur Revolution
Dinosaur Revolution

The Dinosaur Revolution is a four-part American nature documentary. It uses computer-generated images to depict dinosaurs and other animals from the Mesozoic era. The film was originally broadcast by the Discovery Channel. A documentary about dinosaurs that shows all aspects of the dinosaur revolution by telling the story of their survival on ancient Earth. This documentary shows the ecology, behavior and evolution of dinosaurs from multiple perspectives, and triggers people’s thinking about the natural world by revealing the impact of dinosaurs on the earth’s environment. At the same time, it also brings the audience the curiosity and thrilling experience of dinosaurs, so that people can cherish and protect various creatures on the earth.



A paleontological science documentary produced by the Discovery Channel. The film will explore six major cities in the United States: Washington, New York, Denver, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, the face of different historical periods and the secrets of prehistoric animals that lived at that time. Discover what happened in your backyard and prehistoric times, find clues from underground rock formations, travel through eons of time, and unravel the mysteries of prehistoric giants. Not to be missed for those interested in paleontology.

It tells the story of human life and evolution in prehistoric times, including the emergence and evolution of dinosaurs. Through this documentary, the audience can learn about the earth’s environment, climate, vegetation and other natural phenomena in prehistoric times. At the same time, it also makes us realize the coexistence of humans and dinosaurs, and shows the important role of dinosaurs in the ecosystem as one of the greatest animals on Earth.

Monsters Resurrected

Monsters Resurrected
Monsters Resurrected

“Monsters Resurrected” is a documentary about the resurrection of ancient giants, through the computer special effects to revive these ancient giants, to bring a new experience to the audience. It enables the audience to truly feel the process of the resurrection of the ancient giant beast in reality, which increases the audience’s sense of substitution and experience. The audience can have a deeper understanding of the mystery and wonder of ancient creatures, but also let us have a more profound thinking about the evolution of the earth and the evolution of life.

The prehistoric giants described in the film are Phorusrhacidae, Mosasaur, Spinosaurus, Amphicyonidae, Acrocanthosaurus and Megalania.

Walking With Beasts

Walking With Beasts
Walking With Beasts

Dinosaurs ruled the world for 160 million years, but the animals that lived in their shadow were very different – our ancestors, small furry mammals. 65 million years ago, volcanic activity began to pollute the atmosphere, the Earth where the last dinosaurs lived was unhealthy, they encountered a curse from outer space, a meteorite 10 kilometers wide hit the Earth to end the age of dinosaurs, this series of videos will introduce the development after…

This documentary shows the importance and influence of the beasts in the age of dinosaurs by telling the true appearance and details of the dinosaur ecosystem that coexisted with the beasts. It not only shows the place of predators in the food chain, but also reveals the interactions between predators and other animals, such as predators and prey.

Dinosaurs Alive – Giants of Patagonia

Dinosaurs Alive
Dinosaurs Alive

Dinosaurs Alive takes viewers and paleontological experts on a journey through New Mexico, Mongolia’s Gobi Desert and Ghost farms to discover dinosaur fossils and dig for evidence that the descendants of dinosaurs still exist on this earth. Realistic computer animation simulations accurately recreate life-like giants. From the Triassic to the Cretaceous, and the big screen allows these giants to strut around us and return to Earth.

The film will also follow paleontologist and expedition team from the American Museum of Natural History to learn about some important dinosaur discoveries. The expedition uncovered hundreds of dinosaur remains, including the first fossil of a Velociraptor, the first fossil of a dinosaur nest with eggs, and the remains of early mammals that lived alongside dinosaurs during the late Cretaceous period.

QUESTION: You’ve seen all these documentaries, right? Your dinosaurs are from inside the 3G images?

ANSWER: Basically we saw above all documentaries. We surely did animatronic dinosaur works based on the images from the films.

Any questions, please feel free to contact us.

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